The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on AeroSpace Heritage includes diverse group of heritage specialists interested in activities related to aeronautics and space exploration. The Committee members work in fields that are related to heritage in its different manifestations and have close interactions and collaborations with other ICOMOS committees as well as major international scientific centres.

> Abeer S. Bin Farhan Al Saud
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> Alice Gorman, Vice-President Astronautical
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> Amanda Erickson
Amanda Harvey is the Program Coordinator for the Visitor Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Amanda currently works to create and implement community public programming surrounding NASA missions, space, and aeronautical science and engineering content. She was raised in Florida and North Carolina in the United States. Her work in science and public engagement began with her roles in archaeology, cultural resource management, and museums. Amanda holds a Master of Arts from University College London in Public Archaeology.
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> Ann Cuss
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> Beth O’Leary
Beth Laura O’Leary, Ph.D.
Professor emerita, Anthropology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM USA
Dr. O’Leary pioneered the field of Space Archaeology and Heritage, focusing on the preservation of cultural resources on the Moon. A recognized expert, she has been interviewed and written for the international media.
She investigated the archaeological assemblage and the heritage status of the Apollo 11 Tranquility Base site on the Moon. She nominated the artifacts at Tranquility Base to both California and New Mexico Registers of Cultural Properties. As part of a team, she produced “NASA’s Recommendations to Space-Faring Entities: How to Protect and Preserve the Historic and Scientific Value of U.S. Government Lunar Artifacts,” (2011). Since 2009, Dr O’Leary published several critical works on space heritage.
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> Bryan Lintott, Secretary General
Bryan’s engagement with heritage ranges from academic research to advocacy. A polar historian, his research has included the conservation of Scott’s and Shackleton’s Antarctic Huts, and the history of Antarctic airborne glaciological radar. He has served as the President of ICOMOS Aotearoa New Zealand and Secretary-General of ICOMOS Polar Heritage. He is a member of the ICOMOS Committee on Risk Preparedness. In 2022, he led the ICOMOS Working Group on AeroSpace Heritage. Bryan is an Institute Associate of the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, and an Associate Professor at UiT Norway’s Arctic University.
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> Gai Jorayev, president
Dr Gai Jorayev is a university researcher, and he currently works in the juncture where heritage, its documentation, interpretation, and management, and digital with its different forms, come together. Additionally, Gai’s research includes history and heritage of space exploration, as well as history of earth observation. In addition to his role in the ICOMOS AeroSpace Heritage committee, he works with industrial heritage, rural and cultural landscapes, and intangible heritage. Gai has a broad knowledge of ongoing debates in decolonisation and ethics in heritage/archaeology. He also works on heritage-based development initiatives and cultural tourism.
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> Ingo Heidbrink
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> Javier Mejuto
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Space Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras and Adjunct Professor of the University of Southern Queensland in Australia. He is President of the National Astronomy Commission (Honduras) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) where he also serves as Co-Chair of the Astronomy in Culture Working Group. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. He also severs as Secretary of the Inter-American Society for Astronomy in Culture (SIAC), Secretary of the International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (ISAAC) and Fellow of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC). Member of the Committee on Connecting Emerging Space EcoSystems (ACCESS), Latin America and Caribbean Subcommittee (LAC SC) and Committee for the Cultural Utilization of Space (ITACCUS) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF).
His work focuses mainly on the astronomical and space heritage of Centralamerica and mesoamerican and indigenous astronomical knowledge, ethnoastronomy and archaeoastronomy. On the other hand, in the space related subjects he focuses on the social studies of space and the access to space exploration by underrepresented groups. His recent publications have appeared in books published by Cambridge University Press, Springer and BAR Publishing, and in journals such as: Advances in Space Research, Complutum and Mediterranean Archeology and Archaeometry.
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> Jean-Pierre Blay
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> Jörg Haspel
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> Jorge González García
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> Justin Holcomb
Justin A. Holcomb, Ph.D. Assistant Research Professor, Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
Justin is an anthropological archaeologist and geoarchaeologist with expertise in the movement and dispersal of humans into new regions and landscapes. He has published several journal articles covering topics including the movement of Neanderthals into the Greek Islands, the initial peopling of the Americas, and the current dispersal of humans into and across the solar system. Justin has developed a new subfield called “Planetary Geoarchaeology,” which focuses on the study of material heritage in off-earth environments, and coined the term “Lunar Anthropocene” to draw attention to our species’ impact on the lunar surface.
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> Justin Walsh
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> Kengo Hayashi
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> Kevin Barber-Dungavel, Emerging Professional Coordinator
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> Lei Luo
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> Leo Schmidt
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> Lori Collins
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> Maire Mattinen
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> Mikhail Marov
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> Milford Wayne Donaldson
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> Robin Mandal, Vice-President Aeronautical
Robin Mandal B.Arch., M.Arch.Sc (Urban and Building Conservation), FRIAI, RIBA
Born in India, Robin finished schooling in Ireland. He joined the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland in 1979, founding RMA Architecture. An architect and a former President of the RIAI, he was a flight instructor for 30 years.
His lifelong advocacy for conservation and the management of change resulted in many initiatives such as the RIAI Conservation Accreditation system, the work of Irish Architects Declare and the establishment of the Dublin Democratic Planning Alliance. He is a director of the Irish Architects Benevolent Society, the Alfred Beit Foundation, a board member of the CIF Register of Heritage Contractors and a Council member of An Taisce.
For over 50 years, Robin's commitments remain speaking truth to power, so as to address climate change; the proper planning for our future communities; just transition as our societies change; and the elimination of poverty. His ambition is to be a good ancestor.
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> Tom Hassall
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> Jeeyeon Bae
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> Tracy Ireland
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> Travis Doering
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