The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) – International Scientific Committee on AeroSpace Heritage

Énoncé de mission
Le Comité scientifique international du patrimoine aérospatial travaille au nom de l’ICOMOS pour défendre et diriger la coopération et la collaboration internationales dans l’identification, la compréhension, la recherche, la conservation et la protection, la communication et la gestion durable du patrimoine aéronautique et astronautique matériel et immatériel de l’humanité sur Terre, en orbite, dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique et dans d’autres mondes.
The ISC Aerospace Heritage committee’s mission is to facilitate the identification, investigation, protection, preservation, and sustainable management of humanity’s tangible and intangible aerospace and astronautical heritage on Earth, in orbit, and outer space. The committee’s focus is on humanity’s heritage in the cosmos and our shared participation in cultural and technical narratives related to sky and space.

Our nomination of the Lunar landing site to the World Monument Watch is a result of over two decades of intellectual and research work by our committee members, and an organised effort in awareness-raising by our committee since its formation in 2023. Using one extraordinary historical milestone of the Moon landing that captured humanity’s attention, the nomination highlights rich heritage of technological prowess, determination, ingenuity, and the spirit of exploration. It is a unique cultural landscape that deserves protection for the benefit of future generations. Our nomination also symbolises heritage issues related to material culture in orbit, transit, on the Moon, Venus, Mars, other celestial bodies, and beyond, as well as connectivity to integral Earth-based locations. It is clear to us that the nomination will be part of initiating a wider debate, and that will hopefully result in a global understanding that the exploration of extraterrestrial spaces should benefit all humankind.
For enquires related to the nomination and heritage on the Moon, please email us on: aerospace.moon@icomos.org